Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Factors affecting the preparation of the workforce libraries and information centers; Evaluation Study of the study plan developed for undergraduates in the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of King Abdul Aziz
العوامل المؤثرة في إعداد القوى العاملة بالمكتبات ومراكز المعلومات ؛ دراسة تقويمية للخطة الدراسية المطورة لمرحلة البكالوريوس في قسم المكتبات والمعلومات بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز
Subject : Preparing the workforce libraries 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Current study seeks to identify the most important themes substantive plan seeks developer for the Department of Library and Information at King Abdul Aziz University to achieve and know the strengths and weaknesses. In addition to knowing the factors that affect the preparation of the workforce in the sector of libraries and information at the level of internal and external environment, also know the most important professional competencies and personal skills required in the labor market, which is expected from the developed plan for undergraduates development among students / students from the viewpoint of faculty members. To achieve objectives of the study were used several approaches: approach the case study and survey method and style content analysis, comparative studies, and statistical approach has been to use the SPSS program to analyze the number (20) questionnaire meets data by faculty members in the Department of Library and Information Bashatri students and students and to calculate the frequencies, percentages, and averages, and test Mann-Whitney Mann-Whitney test to see the differences between faculty members in the degree of their assessment of the factors affecting the preparation of the workforce in libraries and information centers at the level of external and internal environment and to learn also differences between faculty members in the degree of their assessment Materials developed plan in the range give the graduate / graduate professional and personal competencies and skills required in the labor market. The study concluded several conclusions: that the plan developed for undergraduate courses describes the fundamental core-courses of supplementary courses. That section does not have any plan to manage knowledge management knowledge and he is still moving in the framework of informatics. And decisions axis technology and information networks a priority between the axles Other specialist, also found shortcomings in the axis of the basics of information science and libraries in terms of material that covered it did not address the policies and legislation, standards and professional associations, and professional ethics and information awareness, and limited in its focus on the basics of Information Science, and information institutions and research methods in the field. The focus of information services, we find that the substantive coverage fairly good with the elements that must be included in this axis, though it did not cover an important aspect, that is being calendar information services. The axis of "management information systems and services" ranked last in terms of both the number of items covered characterized by non-diversity and focus only in the management of various types of information institutions and marketing information, as well as overlooked for many aspects of the elements of coverage such as: administrative and financial operations, and management of knowledge and information, and the management and development of human resources. Also showed the study that there were statistically significant differences between the responses of faculty members - in both two parts - in the degree of their assessment of the factors affecting the preparation of the workforce in libraries and information centers at the level of the external environment in terms of social and cultural values, customs and traditions while (create the file academic materials section (f) increased teaching load for a faculty member) and (increasing the number of students / students in each division and their impact on teaching faculty member) appear as influential factors in the preparation of the workforce at the level of the local environment, due to differences in both conditions. And that there are significant differences between the views of the members and faculty members the department in professional competencies (management information organizations), namely: (planning management information institutions and strategic planning, human resources management, total quality management, management information systems and decision-making, communication skills, evaluation and measurement , systems analysis and design, legislation and laws, national policies for information, the basics of the information economy) may be due to the fact that section Campus students available to him laboratories equipped with technology necessary and related to the Internet to do the training, in addition to the presence of ports or information centers multiple to train students. And that there is no statistically significant differences between the views of faculty members in both two parts in the professional competencies relating to the management of information sources, and also in the management of information services as both the private and belongs to the traditional science curriculum. And that there are significant differences between the responses of faculty members in both two parts in programming skills, information processing, and knowledge management, for the application of professional competencies (application of information tools and technology) may be due to the fact that section still focuses on theoretical study and not on training practical and field. Also there were statistically significant differences between the responses of faculty members in their assessment of the degree plan developed materials give the graduate / Alumna personal competencies and skills required in the labor market. He developed those differences clear in personal competencies such as management skills of individuals, financial management and knowledge budget, skill Negotiation / shows his views clearly and negotiate with confidence and persuading, communication skills written and dumping / uses methods of communication, leadership, faces risks and show courage when facing problems planning priorities and focuses , strike a balance between work and family and society. As for skills has varied as follows: oral and written communication, problem solving, planning and management, management and leadership, negotiation and conflict management, work stress management, English language proficiency. 
ISSN : 1319-0989 
Journal Name : Arts and Humanities Journal 
Volume : 15 
Issue Number : 29 
Publishing Year : 1429 AH
2008 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Saturday, November 24, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سوسن طه ضليميdulaymi, sawsan
هدى محمد العموديAl-Amoudi, Huda


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