Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
The impact of foreign culture on the culture of Saudi society through video and television (a field study on a sample of Saudi students of the University of King
أثر الثقافة الأجنبية على ثقافة المجتمع السعودي من خلال الفيديو والتلفاز (دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الطلاب السعوديين لجامعة الملك
Subject : The impact of foreign culture on the culture of Saudi society through video and television (a field study on a sample of Saudi students of the University of King 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims to identify the perception of Saudi students to the impact of foreign culture on the culture of Saudi Arabia through video and television, in terms of family ties and expectations of family size and the perception of the role and function of women and sex movies seen through video and television, a survey of a random sample of students at King Abdulaziz University. Jeddah, who totaled 83 university students number 58 (or 69.9%) males and 25 (or 30.1%) females participated in this study, I have used a descriptive statistical operations to analyze the information. We can conclude from this study, several important scientific findings, including the following: 1. The study concluded that the impact of video programs is affecting the perception of Saudi students and their attitudes toward the role and function of women in society. 2. The study also because of the video display and TV, foreign models for different models of the Saudi society to the impact of the presence of a clear and deep perception of Saudi students to the size of the family in the future more than the impact on family ties for students. 3. The study clearly seen that the density of the Saudi students of American films than him from the Egyptian and Indian films, which were less than seen in the video. 4. The study concluded that the perception of Saudi students to rate the number of family members decreased from (12.699) to the rate of (4.566). The study conclusions and recommendations will benefit other scientific researchers and those interested in the impact of video and television on Saudi society and other Arab societies 
ISSN : 1319-0989 
Journal Name : Arts and Humanities Journal 
Volume : 15 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 2007 AH
1428 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Wednesday, October 19, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
حسان عمر بصفرbassfar, hassan omarInvestigatorDoctorate 


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