Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Title of the thesis: "Selections of Imam Abu Muzaffar in his interpretation of the Holy Quran from verse 196 in Surat Al Bakarah to the end of Surat Al-Imran"collecting and discussing.
اختيارات الإمام أبي المظفر السمعاني في كتابه تفسير القرآن من الآية رقم 196 من سورة البقرة إلى نهاية سورة آل عمران (جمعاً ودراسة).
Subject : Faculty of Arts - Department of Islamic Studies 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The thesis is titled as (Selections of Imam Abu Muzaffar him in his interpretation of Quran from verse 196 Surat Al Bakarah to the end of Surat Al-Imran) and it consists of an introduction, two parts, a conclusion and indexes,The first part deals with the profile of Imam Abu Muzaffar which includes his name, lineage, aliases, birth and upbringing along with his era and his death, his worship and asceticism, his academic life, including his request for knowledge and his transforming from the doctrine of the Hanafi to the Shafi'i school, and most of his teachers and students, his scientific position and his works,In Chapter II, part 1, I discuss his approach in favoring in his book "The interpretation of Quran" by reviewing the fundamentals of his approach in favoring and then I deal with his words in favoring and how he showed them from the selected part; all that was in brief,The second part which is the core of the thesis, I focus on the selections of the Imam Sam'ani and collected the views of scholars and interpreters in particular, and then examined the statements of each of them with their evidences, showing the statements that are supported by evidence from the others,Finally I end the research with a conclusion providing the most important findings and recommendations. 
Supervisor : prof.mohamad Ahmed 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1433 AH
2012 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, January 4, 2012 


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علي محمد شهابCHIHAB, ALI MAHAMMADResearcherMaster 


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